The 10th ICFSP 2025 | Paris, France

Meet you on ICFSP 2025 / Paris, France

ICFSP 2016

2016 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing
Warsaw, Poland | October 15-17, 2016


Excellent Presentation

Remarks on Neural Network–Based Tea Aroma Recognition with a Mass–Sensitive Chemical Sensor Using Plasma–Organic–Polymer–Film–Coated Quartz Crystal Resonators   

Presented by Kazuhiko Takahashi, Doshisha University, Japan

The ecgFEAT Toolbox for Automated Cardiovascular Feature Extraction and Analysis
Presented by Sonja Schach, University of Ulm, Section Medical Psychology, Germany

Acquiring and Processing Light Deflection Maps for Transparent Object Inspection
Presented by Johannes Meyer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany