The 10th ICFSP 2025 | Paris, France

Meet you on ICFSP 2025 / Paris, France

ICFSP 2024

2024 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing

Paris, France | September 12-14, 2024 | IEEE Conference Calendar

ICFSP 2024 Proceedings - IEEE Xplore / Indexed by Scopus & EI

ICFSP 2025 accepted papers was published into conference proceedings by IEEE. The proceedings will be submitted and reviewed by the IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex and Scopus after the conference.

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Arsenia Chorti, École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA), France

Speech Title: Smart, adaptive, context aware physical layer security for 6G: announcing the first PLS security challenge

Prof. Mingcong Deng, IEEE Fellow
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan

Speech Title: Learning & Operator based Control to Ensure Bounded Signals of Nonlinear Systems with Smart Material Actuators and Sensors

Excellent PAPER presentation

Nonlinear Kalman Filtering with Reparametrization Gradients
Authors: San Gultekin, Brendan Kitts, Aaron Flores, John Paisley
Presenter: San Gultekin, Yahoo Research, USA

Hardware-Friendly Variational Bayesian Method for DoA Estimation in Automotive MIMO Radar
Authors: Alisa Jauch, Frank Meinl, Holger Blume
Presenter: Alisa Jauch, Robert Bosch GmbH , Germany

Long Short-Term Memory Approaches for Weather Forecasting from Local Stations
Authors: Carolina E. Machado, Kleber Renato da Paixão Ataíde, Vinicius R. P. Borges
Presenter: Carolina E. Machado, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil

A Clustering and Graph-Based Approach for Unsupervised Coronary Artery Segmentation
Authors: Belén Serrano-Antón, Manuel Insúa Villa, Santiago Pendón Minguillón, Santiago Paramés Estévez, Alberto Otero Cacho, Diego López Otero, Brais Díaz Fernández, María Bastos Fernández, José Ramón González Juanatey, Alberto P. Muñuzuri
Presenter: Belén Serrano-Antón, FlowReserve Labs S.L., Santiago de Compostela, 15782, Galicia, Spain

Visual Quality Enhancement of Low-Dose Dental CBCT Images
Authors: Simin Mirzaei, Ailar Mahdizadeh, Milad Yazdani, Hamid Reza Tohidypour, Siddharth R. Vora, Shahriar Mirabbasi, Panos Nasiopoulos, and Dena Shahriari
Presenter: Simin Mirzaei, University of British Columbia , Canada

KPNet: Towards a parameterized implicit 2d cloth rendering
Authors: Bastian Scharnagl, Christian Groth
Presenter: Bastian Scharnagl, Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany