The 10th ICFSP 2025 | Paris, France

ICFSP 2025 | Paris, France

Registration fees

If you have any queries, please contact

Early-bird Registration Fee

     Author (Student)

530 USD

     Author (Regular)

580 USD

     Author (IEEE Member)

530 USD

     Invited Talk

425 USD

     Abstract Registration

425 USD / per person



350 USD / per person

     Additional Paper

385 USD / per paper

     Additional Page

60 USD / per page


IMPORTANT Registration Notices!

  • One regular registration can cover a paper within Five pages , including all figures, tables, and references. 

  • In a paper with more than one author, all the authors attending the conference most complete their registration individually.

  • Student rate is ONLY applicable for students who are FIRST authors and attached their student' ID card copy when register.

  • Refunds Policy
    If the participants request cancellation and refund due to personal reasons, the following refund policy applies.
    * 60 days ahead of the conference: 70% of payment refund
    * 30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund
    * Within 30 days ahead of the conference: no refund

    * The organizing committees reserves the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure.
    * Losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liabled and refunds policy shall not apply as well.

  • ATTENTION! At least one author is required to register and attend the conference to present the paper. For safety consideration, please take good care of your belongings in the public places. Please bring your name badge for entering the conference hall. Please do not lend your name badge to people who are not involved with the conference. Please do not take irrelevant people to enter the conference rooms. The Organizers shall not be held responsibility for any loss of personal finance or belongings.